Oregon PUC Approves PGE Storage Pilot

On August 13, 2018, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) adopted a stipulation outlining an agreed approach to the development of five energy storage projects by Portland General Electric Company (PGE). The Oregon Commission concluded that PGE’s proposed structure for PGE’s Coffee Creek Request for Proposal (RFP) is reasonable; however, the Commission stated that it would require PGE to review ownership issues as part of future filings on the Coffee Creek project.   [Read more…]

Oregon Commission Adopts Guidelines and Requirements for Energy Storage Procurement

In the final days of 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Commission) issued an order implementing House Bill 2192 (HB 2193) and setting the stage for energy storage in Oregon. The Commission’s order adopts: 1) guidelines for utilities to submit proposals for authorization to develop storage projects; 2) requirements for evaluating a utility’s system-wide storage potential; and 3) minimum competitive bidding requirements for energy storage procurement.   [Read more…]