Archives for February 2018

Oregon PUC Approves PGE’s Transportation Electrification Program

On February 16, 2018, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) adopted an opposed settlement and allowed Portland General Electric Company (PGE) to undertake three pilot programs designed to accelerate transportation electrification, including increased PGE ownership of charging stations. The Oregon Commission, however, modified provisions in the stipulation addressing future meetings and processes related to developing specific learnings from PGE’s pilot programs to allow broader participation.   [Read more…]

Oregon PUC Exercises Primary Jurisdiction Over Executed PURPA Contract

On January 25, 2018, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) elected to take jurisdiction over a contract dispute between a qualifying facility (QF) Pacific Northwest Solar (PNW Solar) and Portland General Electric Company (PGE). The Oregon Commission became one of the only state agencies to conclude that it should resolve post-contract execution decisions and breaks from almost forty years of Oregon court case law in which QF contract disputes were resolved by the courts rather than an administrative agency.   [Read more…]

Utah PSC Modifies Rocky Mountain Power’s Avoided Cost Methodology

On January 23, 2018, the Utah Public Service Commission (Utah Commission) adopted updates and revisions to Rocky Mountain Power’s avoided cost pricing methodologies for qualifying facility (QF) resources. Rocky Mountain Power will now offer renewable resources of the same kind or type a renewable avoided cost rate based on the costs of a similar or a “like” renewable resource.   [Read more…]